March is national crafting month and we want to share why crafting is healthy for our minds and the different types. A lot of people think of crafting as sewing a bag, making a bracelet or origami. But, there's a whole world that lies within crafting. Here are just a few easy and creative ideas you can try.

Candle making is a pretty simple activity with a relaxing and delicious aroma at the end. Using a mason jar will do just fine and you can use beeswax, soy or paraffin for the base. You place the base, essential oils for the smell and coloring of some sort into a pot and boil. Then, add that in the jar with a wick and wait for it to harden. After 24-48 hours, light the candle and enjoy!
Pottery is a very calming type of craft. If there's a pottery place near by, go take a lesson and make a piece of art. Who knows, it may be your favorite dish to serve salad in!
Crochet is kind of like knitting, but it's a little more easy. You only need yarn, crochet needles and some scissors. Almost anything can be created and it's a great handmade gift for a friend or loved one. The fun thing about crochet is you can make it a hour project or a couple days.
Mosaics not only are entertaining to design, but they also are beautiful works of art that you can hang up on your wall or give to someone. You can use a variety of different materials such as glass, stone or ceramic. This crafting may take up to weeks depending on how complex you want to make the mosaic.
Research is said that crafting can reduce stress, increase your memory and attention span and work your problem-solving skills. So, take on a craft when you're sitting around and be creative.